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599319 - FY26 RFP FWBPEIS26040 for Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP)
Funding Opportunity Details

Early Intervention and Support

Final Application Deadline: Mar 11, 2025 4:00 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date Mar 11, 2025 1:28 PM

    Award Amount RangeNo Limit - No Limit

    Project Dates 07/01/2025 - 06/30/2027

    Award Announcement Date 04/15/2025

    Categorical Area

    Recurring Opportunity

  • It is the responsibility of the Applicant to review all Attachments listed below for additional details regarding this Funding Opportunity.

    The issuance of this Funding Opportunity in no way constitutes a commitment by Iowa HHS to award a contract.

    Excerpts from the RFP:


    The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) # FWBPEIS26040 is for the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Agency) to solicit applications from eligible Community-Based Volunteer Coalitions or Councils for the provision of services to prevent Child Maltreatment in Iowa to begin in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2026. Funds for services are available under the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP). Eligible applicants must be community-based according to 235A.1 b., “funds for the programs shall be applied for and received by a community-based volunteer coalition or council.” An applicable Community-Based Volunteer Coalition or Council will obtain a letter of support from an Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) area board to indicate a mutual agreement to collaborate on community initiatives to reduce duplication and enhance service delivery. Funds for services are available under the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP). Service delivery model will align with Early Childhood Iowa geographical areas. See Attachment E ECI Map.  
    This procurement is intended to purchase services in alignment with the recommendations outlined in the Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Iowa Child Maltreatment Needs Assessment (Attachment F) The partnership between Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Iowa and the Agency, founded in the needs assessment, has resulted in more focused efforts to combat child abuse, and strengthen families through Evidence-Based practices in high-need areas of the state. The focus on seven primary goals resulting from historical planning remains. Those primary goals are: 

    • Reduce maltreatment by targeting services to families exhibiting risk factors that are most closely correlated with child abuse and neglect. 

    • Coordinate maltreatment prevention funding sources across multiple service sectors (e.g. public health, early childhood, human services) to use each source strategically in combatting child abuse and neglect. 

    • Balance funding between Primary and Secondary Prevention with a greater emphasis on reaching more vulnerable families. 

    • Embed practices that support cultural equity in prevention.  

    • Increase the use of informal and non-stigmatizing supports for families and youth. 

    • Increase the use of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPS) in child maltreatment while introducing and evaluating innovative approaches; and 

    • Engage in a statewide evaluation of prevention services’ effectiveness, monitoring protective and risk factors at the organization and community level. 


    Schedule of Important Dates (All times and dates listed are local Iowa time.) 

    The following dates are set forth for informational purposes. The Agency reserves the right to change them. 



    RFP Issued 


    Written Questions and Responses 


    Round 1 Questions Due: 

    Responses Posted By: 



    Round 2 Questions Due: 

    Responses Posted By: 



    Final Questions Due: 

    Responses Posted By: 



    Applications Due 

    03/11/2025 by 4:00 PM Local Iowa Time 

    Post Notice of Intent to Award 



DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
A. RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention ProgramA. RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program.pdfpdf564 KB02/02/2025 04:25 PM
B. HHS Application Instructions Guidance B. HHS Application Instructions_Guidance New IG.pdfpdf2 MB01/27/2025 02:27 PM
C. Draft Special Terms Contract for RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention ProgramC. Draft Special Terms Contract for RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program.pdfpdf308 KB01/30/2025 08:27 AM
D. Draft Score Tool for RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention ProgramD. Draft Score Tool for RFPFWBPEIS26040 Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program.pdfpdf206 KB01/30/2025 08:27 AM
E. ECI MapE. ECI Map.pdfpdf149 KB01/27/2025 02:30 PM
F. Iowa Child Maltreatment Needs AssessmentF. Iowa Child Maltreatment Needs Assessment.pdfpdf2 MB01/27/2025 02:30 PM
G. Letter of Support Template for Councils with ECI AreaG. Letter of Support Template for Councils with ECI Area.docxdocx20 KB01/27/2025 02:31 PM
H. Amended Counties by population within relevant ECI areasH. Amended Counties by population within relevant ECI areas 1.pdfpdf62 KB02/10/2025 03:55 PM
I. ICAPP Listening Session ReportI. ICAPP Listening Session Report.pdfpdf541 KB01/27/2025 02:32 PM
J. I2D2-Mapping-VulnerabilityJ.I2D2-Mapping-Vulnerability.pdfpdf9 MB01/27/2025 02:32 PM
K. FSSD DAISEY Data DictionaryK. FSSD DAISEY Data Dictionary.pdfpdf386 KB01/27/2025 02:33 PM
L. RFP FWBPEIS26040 Amendment 1 L. RFP Amendment 1 Template updated April 2024 5 1 1.pdfpdf173 KB02/11/2025 04:05 PM
M. RFP Amendment 2M. RFP Amendment 2.pdfpdf24 KB03/05/2025 04:32 PM
N. ICAPP Council ListN. ICAPP CouncilList.pdfpdf146 KB03/05/2025 04:33 PM
Website Links
Website links
Submitted DateQuestionAnswer
Feb 3, 2025 12:10 PMThe Application in file A. on page 8 lists the due date as April 15, 2025 by 4pm. Other places list it as March 11, 2025. Please confirm. Thanks!The applications are due 3/11/2025; with the intent to award being 4/15/25. Sections 1.06E &F will be amended to reflect this change.
Feb 3, 2025 2:47 PMPlease clarify the grant application deadline. In 1.06, the Schedule of Important Dates table says apps are due 3/11/2025 and Notice of Intent to Award will be posted 4/15/2025. But later in 1.06.E., the first paragraph says apps are due 4/15/2025 and then 1.06.F. says Release of Name of Applicants will be posted on 4/18/2025. Thank you!The applications are due 3/11/2025; with the intent to award being 4/15/25. Sections 1.06E will be amended to reflect this change.
Feb 3, 2025 2:54 PMI have a question related to RFP # FWBPEIS26040 (ICAPP Grant). In section 1.05 Available Funds: Under the Maximum Annual Award Amounts by ECI box/grid it has amounts listed based on 0-17 Population, however in Attachment H it lists amounts higher than the maximum award amount. 1. Can you please clarify which amount can be used for budgeting purposes within the grant? 2. Which ECI areas are considered Low, Low-Medium, Medium-High, and High Risk?Answer: Attachment H has been amended. The RFP was amended in Section 1.05.
Feb 3, 2025 3:49 PMWhen is the application due? There are conflicting dates of March 11 and April 15th.The applications are due 3/11/2025; with the intent to award being 4/15/25. Sections 1.06E &F will be amended.
Feb 3, 2025 3:56 PMFor Sexual Abuse Prevention Project, is Second Step: Child Protection Unit an approved training curriculum? If no longer approved, please explain why.In review of available sexual abuse prevention curriculum options, the decision was to offer the following curriculum options for implementation: Darkness to Light • Stewards of Children Prevent Child Abuse Vermont: • Brain Development and Learning Consent During Childhood • CARING Adults (Child Anti-trafficking Resources, Instruction, and Norms Growth) • Everything Everyone Needs to Know About Sexual Abuse • Keeping Adolescent Youth Safe on the Internet • Nurturing and Safe Environments for Children with Disabilities • Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development • Nurturing, Valuing, and Protecting LGBTQIA+ Youth • Overcoming Barriers to Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse • Technicool: Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet • Understanding and Responding to the Sexual Behaviors of Adolescents • Understanding and Responding to the Sexual Behaviors of Children • Understand, Recognize, and Respond to Grooming Behaviors
Feb 3, 2025 7:32 PMCan you provide a list of eligible applicants? Our council shut down many years ago (pre-covid), and "transferred" power to our agency. Are we eligible to apply?Links are provided in Section 7 of the RFP. Bidders are encouraged to visit 235A.pdf
Feb 4, 2025 10:57 AMCan you clarify Attachment H - it is not clear what our minimum and maximum funding can be per ECI area. Attachment H has been amended in the 2/10/2025 amendment.
Feb 4, 2025 10:58 AMCan you clarify if more than one award will be given per ECI area? Currently in our ECI area we have 4 agencies providing home visiting services. Can all 4 agencies apply and potentially be awarded? Or will you only award one contract per ECI area? There will be one contract award per ECI geographic area. An eligible Bidder would be able to subcontract for multiple home visiting service providers. Bidders will need to submit a subcontracting plan in their application.
Feb 4, 2025 10:59 AMDoes SAP and HV need to apply together on the same application? Or can SAP apply separately for their ECI area? A Bidder may apply for one, two or three projects. The combination of projects is up to the Bidder. If a Bidder decides to not apply for one of the projects, please chose N/A in the drop box on Iowa Grants.
Feb 4, 2025 12:31 PMIs only one council allowed to apply for projects per ECI area? For examples if a separate council exists for each county within the ECI area, will they have to combine projects? Each ECI area will be awarded a maximum of one project. It is possible for multiple Bidders in the same area to submit proposals, however if multiple proposals are submitted, only one Bidder will be awarded. Prevention councils existing in an ECI geographical area with multiple councils are encouraged to collaborate on a joint proposal.
Feb 4, 2025 2:50 PMIs the maximum amount for an ECI area for the contract term (July 1 2025-June 30, 2027), annual (July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026), or for the potential three year period?Please see amended Amendment 1 of the RFP and Attachment H for clarification on maximum annual award amounts.
Feb 4, 2025 2:52 PMWill the 5% incentive cap exist for the project budgets specifically as it applies to allowable categories like essential goods?Incentives are considered a distinct spending category outside of Concrete Goods. As identified in the definition Incentives expenses associated with the purchase of goods to encourage Project participation. Bidders that have expenses that could fall under incentives or essential needs shall use their discretion regarding which definition best aligns with the nature and use of the spending for their Project.
 Please see amended definition for “incentives”. “Incentives” means expenses associated with the purchase of goods to encourage Project participation. Incentives may be associated with a requirement of a family’s completion of a required program participation or achievement.
 Incentives include, but are not limited to, meals, baby items, diapers, gift cards, toys, books, trinkets, etc.
The amended Attachment H provides clarification regarding maximum start-up fund award amounts. As stated in the RFP, Start-Up Funds and Concrete Goods.
The Agency recognizes that offering Incentives to Participants, such as meals, may encourage participation for approved Community-Capacity Building projects. For the budget, these planned expenditures would be included in the line item for Concrete Goods for Participating Families. The purchasing of gift cards or payments to clients/families is not allowable. Nevertheless, funds designated for ICAPP are allocated specifically for the provision of services, and budgeting for Concrete Goods decrease the funding available to provide direct services to Participants. Therefore, the Agency is placing a limit on Incentive expenditures under any Contract(s) resulting from this RFP. Concrete Goods costs, after the start-up period between July 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025, for both the Contractor and all their Subcontractors combined.
Feb 4, 2025 2:53 PMHow might single applications per ECI area be impacted with potential ECI district changes?Geographical areas for bid proposals exist as they are at time of RFP release, please see Attachment E.
Feb 4, 2025 2:54 PMWhat is the maximum dollar amount available for potential start up funds? This is helpful information in building the proposed budget if start up is needed.Please see updated Attachment H
Feb 4, 2025 2:55 PMIs it the intention of the Agency to award one contract per ECI area?Yes. More than one Bidder may submit an application to the same ECI area, but one Bidder will be awarded per ECI area. Bidders are encouraged to locally collaborate to identify their lead Bidder for their respective geography.
Feb 4, 2025 2:58 PMWill more than one application be considered for multi-county ECI geographic areas?There will be up to 34 grant awards. There will be a maximum of one award per ECI area. Please see Attachment E for the ECI area map. Each ECI area will be awarded a maximum of one project. It is possible for multiple Bidders in the same area to submit proposals, however if multiple proposals are submitted, only one Bidder will be awarded. Prevention councils existing in an ECI geographical area with multiple councils are encouraged to collaborate on a joint proposal.
Feb 5, 2025 7:50 AMHow do I find out who to contact at ECI for my letter of support? https://hhs.iowa.gov/programs/programs-and-services/eci/local-boards
Feb 5, 2025 7:53 AMIf I apply for the Community Capacity Building grant. Do I need to provide concrete support for all three activities listed? Group-Based Parent Support, Parent Development and Resource Navigation? No, Concrete Supports are not required. Bidders may describe and budget for Concrete Supports for projects to support an incentive strategy for Group-Based Parent Support, Parent Development, or a connection to Resource Navigation if the Bidder chooses to include those options.
Feb 5, 2025 7:55 AMCan I project partner with State of Iowa employees/departments to become facilitators in the Darkness to Light Program under the Sexual Abuse Prevention? In a Bidder’s application, a plan for subcontracting is allowed. If a state employee is contracted to provide a training and is paid for that training time, the state employee must ensure they are in compliance with Outside Payment for State Work Prohibited (Iowa Code § 68B.2A) a. A person who serves or is employed by the state or a political subdivision shall not engage in an outside employment or an activity that involves the receipt of, promise of, or acceptance of money or other consideration by him or a member of his immediate family, from anyone other than the state for the performance of any act that he would be required or expected to perform as a part of his regular duties for the state
Feb 5, 2025 7:56 AMThe Sexual Abuse Prevention grants say instruction may be presented to adult audiences via a certified trainer. Can a certified trainer provide trainings for incarcerated adults in jails, re-entry programs and halfway houses? Any adult in the state of Iowa could be considered a potential participant for adult-focused Sexual Abuse Prevention services. As noted in the Sexual Abuse Prevention Performance Measures, at least 85% of in-person sessions shall be provided in the service area.
Feb 5, 2025 8:00 AMIf I project partner with a non-profit in my county, but their services are statewide, will the Sexual Abuse Prevention grant allow me to fund training individuals outside of my county as long as the non-profits homebase is in my county? As noted in the Sexual Abuse Prevention Performance Measures, at least 85% of in-person sessions shall be provided in the service area.
Feb 5, 2025 8:02 AMThrough the Sexual Abuse Prevention grant, can a trained facilitator do virtual trainings throughout the USA as long as the trainer is based in my county? If so, would these stats also be included in the quarterly reports? The intention is to award Sexual Abuse Prevention projects that serve adults in the state of Iowa.
Feb 5, 2025 8:03 AMIf I sub-contract with an approved contractor, is there a maximum amount of funding they can receive? Can funding be above $14,999.99?Projects do not have limitations on the value of subcontracts, but all budgets should reflect adherence to any budget limitations. For example, all projected costs, including subcontracted services, must adhere to the 15% administrative limitation.
Feb 5, 2025 8:05 AMDo we have to apply for all three grants to be eligible to receive the full amount of funding for our county? Bidders have flexibility how to allocate funding they are applying for all projects or split between one, two or more projects.
Feb 5, 2025 8:06 AMDo I need to meet with ECI to present our projects? The purpose of Letter of Support from ECI is to demonstrate communication and collaboration between Coalition/Councils and local ECI boards. As indicated in 235A.pdf code, Coalition/Councils are the decision-making entity for the purposes of ICAPP funding applications.
Feb 5, 2025 8:08 AMIf we want to fund programing such as a Parenting Class under the Community Capacity Building grant, does training items such as workbooks and books supplied to the participants to take home count as concrete goods? Items such as workbooks and books required under parent education programming would be considered a material/supply. Please see definition for Concrete Goods for further clarification. Additionally, definitions for Indirect (Facilities and Administration or F&A) Costs and “Direct Costs” provides reference to 45 C.F.R § 75.413 and 45 C.F.R § 75.2 for United States Code of Federal Regulations for federal award guidance.
Feb 5, 2025 8:09 AMCan we partner with Prevent Child Abuse Iowa to provide training or programs through the Sexual Abuse Prevention Grant? As the Program Administrator, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is not an eligible subcontractor for direct service provision.
Feb 5, 2025 8:10 AMThe dates on the RFP and the website are not the same for the application deadline. Which date shall I use? The applications are due 3/11/2025; with the intent to award being 4/15/25. Sections 1.06E will be amended to reflect this change.
Feb 5, 2025 8:13 AMIf awarded funding for the Sexual Abuse Prevention or Community Capacity Building, can we use the funding and have our community partners apply for grants from with our funding? If the Bidder plans to subcontract to an existing entity, the Bidder should provide these details in their application. Subcontracted Services are defined in the RFP in section 1.18.
Feb 5, 2025 8:34 AMDoes awarded grant money need to be put into a CPPC contract? Awarded funds will be contracted through one of the following:
o A direct contract between Iowa Health and Human Services and the Bidder (Council or Coalition)
o A direct contract between Iowa Health and Human Services and Bidder’s Designee (other legal entity, such as a provider.)
o Additionally, each application will result in a maximum of one Contract.
Feb 5, 2025 2:48 PMHow do I know the maximum I can apply for each category? Funding requests are limited in the following ways:
o Minimum request Amount as noted in the table for Minimum Bid Amounts table in Section 1.05.
o Maximum annual award per ECI Area outlined in Attachment H.
o There is not a maximum amount per category, however each Bidder shall include all categories in one Proposal submission. The total of all categories shall adhere to the limits reflected in Attachment H. Specifically, FY 26 request are limited to amounts in the column labelled Potential FY 26 Award Amount. Subsequent Fiscal Year amounts are limited to amounts in the column labelled Annual Award Limit.
Feb 6, 2025 10:00 AMIn attachment H Union County is not listed- even though number of counties says 7. Where is Union? And is the population correct for Adams Clarke Decatur Ringgold Taylor and Wayne? Does the population include Union? Attachment H has been amended to include Union County; the number of counties reflects 7: Adams, Clarke, Decatur, Ringgold, Taylor, Wayne and Union.
Feb 6, 2025 10:02 AMThe RFP has 2 different due dates listed. Page 7 says applications due by 4:00 pm 3-11-25. Page 8 says 4:00 pm 4-15-25. What is the correct date and time?The applications are due 3/11/2025; with the intent to award being 4/15/25. Please see 1.06 Section G regarding to the Notice of Intent.  
Feb 10, 2025 10:09 AMWhat happens to awarded funds if the coalition applying is awarded a grant and the coalition is legislatively dismantled?Eligible applicants must be community-based according to 235A.1 b., “funds for the programs shall be applied for and received by a community-based volunteer coalition or council.” In order to hold a contract with the Agency, coalitions/councils are required to be a legal entity, or they may opt to designate a contract to a legal entity. It is possible for councils to exist as a non-legal entity for the purposes of being the decision-making body for submitting an ICAPP application. Please see Section 7 for links.
Feb 10, 2025 11:59 AMCan we use funding to provide multiple training opportunities for parents/children that would not be evidence based? Would each training need to provide a concrete good? Family support home visitation services must be implemented via a Parents as Teachers (PAT) or Healthy Families America (HFA). Those are evidence-based models. For community capacity building projects, please see the RFP’s associated scope of work. Concrete goods and Parent Education are considered to be separate elements within the community capacity building category and may be implemented together or independently.
Feb 10, 2025 3:49 PMAre awarded funds required to be put into a new contract or can they be put into an existing contract, such as a Decat/CPPC contract that is already in place between HHS and County?Awarded Bidders, in response to the RFP, would receive a new contract between HHS and the awarded Bidder. If the Bidder plans to subcontract to an existing entity, the Bidder should provide these details in their application. Subcontracted Services are defined in the RFP in section 1.18.
Feb 11, 2025 3:32 PMDo you have a subcontract agreement template we might use?The Agency is not providing a template for subcontracts.
Feb 11, 2025 3:37 PMAre start-up funds available only under the Community Capacity Building program area? Or could we also budget start-up expenses, using some of the available $30,000, under Sexual Abuse Prevention and/or Home Visitation Services programming?Start-up funds may be used for Home Visitation Services. Allowable expenditures may include costs for training, affiliation fees, and program materials associated with implementing new or expanded evidence-based home visiting services. Budgets shall reflect start-up costs for Home Visitation Services in the “Affiliate Model Expenses” line item.

Start-up funds are not available for Sexual Abuse Prevention programming.
Feb 14, 2025 1:54 PMLast fall, our organization picked up the CPPC coordination for our area. The fiscal agent for our CPPC is not our organization's fiscal agent even though we staff the CPPC. Does the CPPC fiscal agent need to be the fiscal agent for the ICAPP grant when we apply? Or can we be the fiscal agent because we supply staff for CPPC?Bidders may designate to receive funds directly or they may choose a fiscal agent at their discretion. ICAPP contracts are considered distinct from other contracts.
Feb 15, 2025 7:59 PMHow can I add my name to another organization? I am registered with Iowa Grants as an employee of my school district. However; I am writing the ICAPP grant on behalf of Floyd County, which will be the contracting organization. Thank you!Floyd County will need to add you to their organization, so you have the required access. Please reach out to iowagrants.helpdesk@hhs.iowa.gov for assistance with questions.
Feb 15, 2025 8:23 PMHow can I add users to edit the application who are not on the drop-down list?You will need to make sure that the people you wish to add are registered in IowaGrants and that you have added them to your organization. Then you can add them to your grant. Please reach out to iowagrants.helpdesk@hhs.iowa.gov for assistance if you have questions.
Feb 20, 2025 8:04 AMCan you add Courtney Adair as an additional contact for this application? Email CAdair@maturaia.orgSubmitted after deadline for questions. This question will not be responded to.
Feb 20, 2025 8:05 AMHow do I add Kid Care Committee as an organization when applying for the ICAPP grant?Submitted after deadline for questions. This question will not be responded to.
Feb 21, 2025 10:54 AMI need to add an organization added to the 599319-FY26 RFP FWBPEIS26040 for Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP). Organization: Kid Care Committee My Email: Quad.KFC@gmail.comSubmitted after deadline for questions. This question will not be responded to.