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570785 - FY25 RFP 58825012 for Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services (SPOTS)
Funding Opportunity Details

HIV, STI and Hepatitis Services

Final Application Deadline: Sep 17, 2024 4:00 PM

  • Status Posted

    Posted Date Jul 23, 2024 10:32 AM

    Award Amount RangeNo Limit - No Limit

    Project Dates 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2027

    Award Announcement Date 10/22/2024

    Categorical Area

    Recurring Opportunity

DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
A - RFP#58825012 Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services.A - RFP58825012 Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services.docx.pdfpdf573 KB07/22/2024 12:34 PM
B. New System Login Process for All UsersB. New System Login Process For All Users.pdfpdf89 KB07/16/2024 03:22 PM
C. HHS Application Instructions Guidance New IGC. HHS Application Instructions_Guidance New IG.pdfpdf2 MB07/16/2024 03:23 PM
D. FY25 Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services Draft Contract.D. FY25 Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services Draft Contract.docx.pdfpdf339 KB07/22/2024 12:35 PM
E. Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services Application Draft Score ToolE. Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services Application Draft Score Tool.docx.pdfpdf109 KB07/22/2024 12:38 PM
F - Funding Table and HIV Testing Minimum Targets.F - Funding Table and HIV Testing Minimum Targets.pdfpdf338 KB07/22/2024 12:39 PM
G - Service Criteria and Prioritized PopulationsG - Service Criteria and Prioritized Populations.pdfpdf138 KB07/22/2024 12:39 PM
H. Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services (SPOTS) Work Plan Template update 08-21-2024H. Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services SPOTS Work Plan Template update 08-21-2024.docxdocx44 KB08/21/2024 03:57 PM
I - Client Assessment Form (example).I - Client Assessment Form example.pdfpdf285 KB07/22/2024 12:40 PM
J - Minor Consent Form (example).J - Minor Consent Form example.pdfpdf113 KB07/22/2024 12:41 PM
K. RFP58825012 Amendment 1K. RFP58825012 Amendment 1.pdfpdf110 KB08/08/2024 08:02 AM
L. RFP58825012 Amendment 2L. RFP58825012 Amendment 2.pdfpdf177 KB08/21/2024 03:57 PM
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Submitted DateQuestionAnswer
Aug 5, 2024 10:44 AMCan you apply to cover a county that was moved outside of your service region that your agency historically covered? e.g. Wapello Referring to section 1.05 of this RFP on page 6, “Applicants will select a proposed service delivery area consisting of counties within a single service region”. Applicants must limit the proposed service area under this RFP to counties within the service region in which the applicant’s agency/organization is located.
Aug 5, 2024 10:45 AMPWID assessment does not have an option to decline Hep B testing. Would not capturing this data point go against the site? The RFP workplan goal is 100% of people who have injected drugs in the last five years will be screened for Hep B; however, personal choice is still at play when taking a harm reduction approach and the assessment does not have a no, declined option.Referring to Attachment H, SPOTS Work Plan Template, Goal 3 Objective 1 states “100% of individual who report injection drug use in the preceding 12 month period will be offered screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen AND 100% of those testing positive for HBV surface antigen will be referred to medical care.” Attachment I, Client Assessment Form (Example), is intended as an example for this RFP. The final approved client assessment will be updated to reflect required service delivery components prior to the start of the project period.
Aug 5, 2024 10:45 AMPWID assessment does not have an option to decline or not provide SUD or OUD screening and the RFP workplan goal is 100% of people who have injected drugs in the last five years will be screened for SUD or OUD. Is declining not a data point that should be captured? We often conduct testing inside a residential rehab facility. This level of service would not be applicable in this environment. Would this non captured data point go against the site meeting their goal? Referring to Attachment H, SPOTS Work Plan Template, Goal 3 Objective 2 states “100% of individual who report injection drug use in the preceding 12 month period will be offered substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) screening AND 100% of those with a positive screening result will be offered a referral to SUD or OUD treatment.” Attachment I, Client Assessment Form (Example), is intended as an example for this RFP. The final approved client assessment will be updated to reflect required service delivery components prior to the start of the project period.
Aug 5, 2024 10:45 AMRFP work plan states 100% of individuals with a positive rapid HIV need confirmatory testing. Our site has experienced 3 cases YTD where individuals are previously diagnosed, and new to the county. Ryan White only requires a rapid result to get them engaged with services. How would this data be captured and as it stands would this count against the site meeting their goal? Attachment H, SPOTS Work Plan Template, Goal 2 Objective 2 rationale/measure states that “By December 31, 2025, APHIRM data will demonstrate that 100% of clients with reactive rapid HIV test results were provided confirmatory testing”; Should extenuating circumstances arise during the project period as you describe, funded agencies will be expected to work with the Agency to document, communicate, and resolve these issues on a case-by-case basis.
Aug 5, 2024 10:45 AMThe local Free Medical Clinic no longer provide Hepatitis Vaccines. Our agency is looking into expanding our adult vaccination capacity now that we cannot subcontract with them. In the meantime, we would only be able to refer folks to locations with associated costs to the Hep A and B vaccines. Is this acceptable? If an applicant agency does not have the capacity to provide immunization services for hepatitis A/B, it is acceptable to refer individuals to another provider for these services.
Aug 5, 2024 10:46 AMOur site has developed a branding utilizing the previous RFP name “Integrated Testing Services” would we be able to continue this branding, or could we create branding for the program that would not be SPOTS, as this acronym is harder for the public to understandAwarded agencies will be allowed to brand local service delivery in accordance with agency policies, practices, and priorities. The name of the funding opportunity is in no way intended to be a required brand for funded programs during implementation.
Aug 6, 2024 2:26 PM“Applicants will provide services supported by this RFP to all individuals presenting for services within the approved Service Delivery Area…regardless of the individual’s reported residence.” For clarification, any agency applying for Category A: Clinic-based Services with Local County Outreach, which has a sexual health clinic, must provide all services (i.e., STI testing) no matter what county the client resides in as long as they live in the service region? In relation to whichever category of funding an applicant pursues, within the scope of that category, all services supported by this RFP must be provided to all individuals presenting for services with a complete absence of residency requirements (not limited to the county, service area, service region, or state). For Category A applicants, this means that all supported services in the primary clinic location AND in outreach settings must be available without residency requirements. For Category B applicants, this means that all supported services provided in proposed outreach settings must be available without residency requirements.
Aug 6, 2024 2:27 PMLocal health departments with a sexual health clinic that apply for Category B are not required to provide services to individuals outside of the primary county, and services are only offered during outreach locations. Is this correct?In relation to whichever category of funding an applicant pursues, within the scope of that category, all services supported by this RFP must be provided to all individuals presenting for services with a complete absence of residency requirements (not limited to the county, service area, service region, or state). For Category A applicants, this means that all supported services in the primary clinic location AND in outreach settings must be available without residency requirements. For Category B applicants, this means that all supported services provided in proposed outreach settings must be available without residency requirements.
Aug 6, 2024 3:42 PMGoal 4 Objective 1 asks about our protocol for assessing a client's immunization status and administering/documenting the vaccine. Goal 4 Objective 2 - asks for the same information, along with referring for immunization services. If we plan on being the one to offer/administer the vaccines, do we need to complete this objective? There is a typographical error in Attachment H – Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services (SPOTS) Work Plan Template. An Amendment is being issued 8/08/24 to correct the error and remove Goal 4 Objective 2. Please disregard Goal 4 Objective 2.
Aug 12, 2024 4:19 PMThe SPOTS workplan template page one is locked so I cannot check Category A or add counties under the service delivery area. Page two onward works just fine as I am allowed to type in those boxes. Please advise. There is a formatting problem in Attachment H – Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services (SPOTS) Work Plan Template which may prevent applicants from editing required tables. Amendment 2 to this RFP was posted 8/22/24 to correct the formatting. Please download and complete the revised copy of Attachment H if it has not been completed due to formatting issues.
Aug 13, 2024 12:24 PMThis is an FYI only. I have been working on the template in Iowa Grants for the SPOTS RFP. Several spots throughout the workplan document have been locked from editing. I have needed to go into the developer on my Microsoft 365 ribbon, click properties and then unclick the blue box to write in my narrative portions. Just a FYI incase others have issues. There is a formatting problem in Attachment H – Syndemic Prevention Outreach and Testing Services (SPOTS) Work Plan Template which may prevent applicants from editing required tables. Amendment 2 to this RFP was posted 8/22/24 to correct the formatting. Please download and complete the revised copy of Attachment H if it has not been completed due to formatting issues.
Aug 28, 2024 9:31 AMCan more than one site "claim" the same external county? More than one applicant may apply for funding to serve the same county as part of the applicant’s proposed service delivery area. Final service area awards will be determined in the review process.
Aug 28, 2024 9:35 AMI want to make sure I am understanding correctly: If we choose Boone county (for example), if we do outreach and are able to test 27 people for HIV, we will get $17,324.00? That could be at one outreach event, or numerous throughout the year? And that would be in addition to the base category A amount of $101,000? Successful Category A applicants will be awarded $101,700.00 in base funding plus the value associated with the home county in attachment F – Funding Table and HIV Testing Minimum Targets. If an applicant is awarded funding for Boone County as an external county, the applicant will be awarded $17,324.00 and performance will be evaluated based on the minimum test target of 27 for Boone County. This RFP does not define a required frequency of outreach events in external counties.
Aug 29, 2024 3:22 PMTo whom is reading this... Normally there is a budget template attached to the funding opportunity. I do not see one posted. Can you direct me to how you would like the budget formatted or where it is located? Applicants should enter proposed budget amounts and associated narrative justification into the Line Item Budget component of the application within Iowa Grants.