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556036 - RFP58825013 Psychologist Internship Program
Funding Opportunity Details

Health Care Delivery Systems

Final Application Deadline: Aug 20, 2024 4:00 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date Jul 17, 2024 7:30 AM

    Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $48,000.00

    Project Dates 10/01/2024 - 06/30/2025

    Award Announcement Date 09/24/2024

    Categorical Area

    Recurring Opportunity No

DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
A. RFP 58825013 Psychologist Internship ProgramA. RFP 58825013 Psychologist Internship Program.pdfpdf330 KB07/15/2024 04:30 PM
B. HHS Application Forms Instruction Guidance (IowaGrants)B. HHS Application Forms Instruction Guidance IowaGrants.pdfpdf4 MB07/15/2024 07:39 AM
C. RFP 58825013 Psychologist Internship Contract DRAFTC. RFP 58825013 Psychologist Internship Contract DRAFT.pdfpdf272 KB07/15/2024 04:45 PM
D. RFP588250013 Psychologist Intern Program Draft Score ToolD. RFP588250013 Psychologist Intern Program Draft Score Tool.pdfpdf176 KB07/16/2024 09:06 AM
RFP 58825013 Amendment 1RFP 58825013 Amendment 1.pdfpdf25 KB07/24/2024 04:24 PM
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Submitted DateQuestionAnswer
Jul 21, 2024 4:15 PM1. Our project has a detailed plan to expand over the next several years. Per the contract draft it appears there is a fixed amount per year over 6 years. Is there an opportunity to request additional funds through the RFP process? Please provide what steps would need to take place in order for the RFP to allow (if possible) for additional funds for the program annually. Would this be requested during this process (initial phases) or if IPA is awarded this grant, then a request can be made while the grant/RFP is active? 2. Historically this program had the following: Article V - Statement of Contract Purpose: The program funds shall be used to expand and improve the psychologist workforce engaged in mental heath treatment and services to lowans, including underserved populations and Medicaid members. The program will rotate intern psychologists in placements that serve urban and rural mental health professional shortage areas. Once an intern psychologist begins service, the intern psychologist may continue serving in the location of the intern psychologist's placement, notwithstanding any change in the mental health professional shortage area designation of such location. The intern psychologist may also provide services via telehealth, to underserved populations, and to Medicaid members. A mental health professional shortage area is a geographic area in this state that has been designated by the United States Department of Health and Human services, Health Resources and Services Administration, as having a shortage of mental health professionals. The present contract does not include this article which as been in past contracts for several years, and only references professional shortage areas per HRSA. Will this contract allow for sites to be in counties that may not be in underserved counties per HRSA geographically, so as long as there are services provided to Iowans who live in these underserved counties, e.g., via in person or telehealth services? In other words the sites that may participate in this grant as subcontractors would be providing services to Iowans in underserved counties but then that organization may be located in Polk or Linn? 3. There does not appear all the components listed on the application to satisfy the technical review process of Phase I, will those be added at some point? Or is this in Phase II? 4. I saw a performance measure/workforce development report along with an annual report, at first glance I did not see a midterm report, will that be a part of the requirements as well if the grant is awarded? 5. If awarded, in future years, will the process repeat itself annually with these initial phases, in which funding would start in October, or is that for the initial year only? 6. Of the awarded amount, does any of the funds have to be used for administrative costs like internet, etc? Or is it up to the contractor/subcontractor? 1. Per section 1.05 of the RFP, the amount for a Contract to provide services awarded as a result of this RFP, shall not exceed $48,000 in the first Contract Year. Funding for subsequent contract years within the project period will be dependent on available funds. 2. This item is addressed in amendment 1 of this RFP. 3. The application has been corrected and should all be accessible. 4. Per section 2.03, D. Required Reporting, only an annual report and workforce evaluation report are required. 5. Subsequent years beyond the first contract year will start July 1 each year. Per section 2.04, C. Budget, indirect and/or administrative costs are not allowed. However, items such as office supplies, educational supplies, project supplies, incentives, communication, rent and utilities, training, information technology-related expense, travel, etc. may be budgeted in “Other”.
Jul 21, 2024 4:18 PMPhase I notes: Ensuring that the Certification and Conditions Form completed with all 'Yes' responses. I did not see the Certification and Conditions Form on the application, does this show up later? The first bullet under Phase I also did not seem to be available or bullet 2. 1. The application has been corrected and should all be accessible.
Jul 23, 2024 9:53 PM1. Our psychologist internship project has a detailed plan to expand over the next several years. Per the contract draft it appears there is a fixed amount per year over 6 years. Is there an opportunity to request additional funds through the RFP process? Can a request be made after the first contract year, is this a part of an amendment to the RFP? Please provide specific steps that would need to take place in order for the RFP to allow for additional program funds annually. 2. Per section 1.05 of the RFP, the amount for a Contract to provide services awarded as a result of this RFP, shall not exceed $48,000 in the first Contract Year. Funding for subsequent contract years within the project period will be dependent on available funds.
Jul 23, 2024 10:12 PM2. Historically this program had the following from the contract: Article V - Statement of Contract Purpose: The program funds shall be used to expand and improve the psychologist workforce engaged in mental health treatment and services to lowans, including underserved populations and Medicaid members. The program will rotate intern psychologists in placements that serve urban and rural mental health professional shortage areas. Once an intern psychologist begins service, the intern psychologist may continue serving in the location of the intern psychologist's placement, notwithstanding any change in the mental health professional shortage area designation of such location. The intern psychologist may also provide services via telehealth, to underserved populations, and to Medicaid members. A mental health professional shortage area is a geographic area in this state that has been designated by the United States Department of Health and Human services, Health Resources and Services Administration, as having a shortage of mental health professionals. Subcontractors who are current/past partners in the psychologist internship program (and will continue to participate) previously met qualifications under Article V. The current RFP 58825013 contract does not include this article which has been in past contracts for several years, amended legislatively. The current RFP 58825013 (page 18, 2.02 B:a) only refers to a mental health professional shortage area as noted by HRSA. Will this contract allow for the program site to be in counties that may not be directly considered underserved as defined by HRSA geographically, e.g., Polk, so as long as there are services being provided to Iowans who may reside in these underserved counties, e.g., via in person or telehealth services, live in urban or rural areas, or receive Medicaid? As noted above, in previous contracts which included Article V allowed for sites/entities that served Medicaid members to be eligible for receiving grant funds along with sites/entities that served urban populations, regardless of where the site was geographically located. IPA requests an amendment be made to include Article V as noted above or provide a statement that allows for sites in all counties to be eligible as a subcontractor, so long as the site/entity provides services to rural, urban, underserved, or Medicaid recipients. Can this RFP adopt Article V as noted above to be consistent with historical grant contracts? This item is addressed in amendment 1 of this RFP.
Jul 23, 2024 10:26 PM3. Consistent with question #2, under 2.03B:a (page 19 Deliverables) it states “Identify practice sites that are in a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area that may support a psychologist internship.” Can this be amended to state “Identify practice sites that may support a psychologist internship that may be in a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area, or serve urban, underserved, or Medicaid recipients.”? This item is addressed in amendment 1 of this RFP.
Jul 23, 2024 10:32 PM4. Consistent with question #2 and 3, under 2.03B:c:i (page 19 Deliverables) “Once placed, the intern psychologist may continue providing services at the practice site, notwithstanding any change in the mental health professional shortage area designation (Mental Health HPSA) of the location. Mental Health HPSAs can be searched using HPSA Find.” Can this be amended to state “Once placed, the intern psychologist may continue providing services at the practice site to individuals who may include the following: a Medicaid recipient, an individual of an underserved population, an individual in an urban area, or an individual who resides in a mental health professional shortage area designation (Mental Health HPSA)” ? ii of 2.03B:c regrading telehealth can remain as stated. No. This item will remain as written in the RFP.
Jul 23, 2024 10:37 PM5. consistent with previous questions, the current contract states: “1.04 Service Delivery Area Intern psychologists will serve at practice sites under agreement with the contractor. Practice sites that take intern psychologist placements must be in a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area (see 2.02 Definitions). “ Can 1.04 Service Delivery Area section be amended to state: “Intern psychologists will serve at practice sites under agreement with the contractor. Practice sites that take intern psychologist placements must be in a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area (see 2.02 Definitions) or serve Medicaid recipients, individuals in urban areas, or underserved populations.” ? This item is addressed in amendment 1 of this RFP.
Jul 23, 2024 10:38 PM6. If this grant were awarded, in future years, will the same RFP process repeat itself annually with these initial phases to include question, in which funding would start in October, or is that for the initial year only? The RFP process is conducted on an as-needed basis such as when a current project period ends.
Aug 6, 2024 5:44 PM1. Regarding funding following the first contract year, is there a process in place on how to propose or request additional funds for future years? Similar to this RFP process, will there be timeframes to request additional funds, identified personal to provide information per the request? Per RFP Section 1.05 Available Funds, funding for subsequent contract years within the project period will be dependent on available funds.
Aug 6, 2024 5:44 PM3. If a proposed subcontractor changes between application and potential awarding of the grant, is this changed through the Iowa Grants Online or what is the process? Awardee is under no obligation to the Agency for work and services under this RFP prior to signing a contract.
Aug 6, 2024 5:44 PM3. If a proposed subcontractor changes between application and potential awarding of the grant, is this changed through the Iowa Grants Online or what is the process? Awardee is under no obligation to the Agency for work and services under this RFP prior to signing a contract.
Aug 6, 2024 5:44 PM4. Is performance measure amount of $2,000 in addition to the RFP amount or is that within the $48,000? So $48,000 for the grant, then $2,000 in addition is awarded assuming that all measures have been met? The $48,000 includes the $2,000 performance measure disincentive.
Aug 6, 2024 5:45 PM5. How can I add additional contacts on the General Information form? There were preselected names, but I could not figure out how to add new names. To add additional contacts on the General Information form, individuals must first be registered in IowaGrants under the same organization as the main applicant. If they are already registered in IowaGrants, but need to be linked to an additional organization, they should email the Help Desk at iowagrants.helpdesk@hhs.iowa.gov to update their profile.